Sydney Chess Club (Adult Chess Club)

Upcoming Adult Events


What happens at the chess club: 

The Sydney Chess Club is open to all players (adults and juniors) and the club houses players of all levels (beginners all the way to Masters).  Each week chess players meet for regular competitive chess and/or social chess.  We run a variety of both Internationally (FIDE) and Nationally (ACF) rated tournaments with time controls to suit all players (Lightning/Rapid/Classical).


For full chess club calendar of events, including results from previous tournament, click the button above.

The Sydney Chess Club will open in 2025 on Monday 3rd February. 

The Sydney Chess Club is a great place to improve your Chess for many reasons:

  • You will regularly be playing at or above your current level
  • Players regularly share tips and ideas in post-game analysis
  • Players are happy to answer questions and give recommendations on how to improve your game
Who can attend: 

The Sydney Chess Club is open to all players (juniors and adults) at all levels; however it is highly recommended that juniors obtain a 500 JCL at minimum before joining.

Sydney Academy of Chess
Level 2, Suite 2, 1-17 Elsie St
Burwood NSW 2134

Mondays 7:30pm-9:30pm


Annual Membership = $25

To pay for Annual Membership, please go to
enter the code SWCLGQIUXG and follow the prompts to make a credit card payment.

Please note: You must be a member of the Sydney Chess Club to play in one of our Monday night tournaments.

Also, players over the age of 18 need to join NSWCA: and can choose the "Registered Player" option when joining.